The series has been reprinted as a two-volume set, titled The Belgariad Volume One, containing the first three books of the series, and The Belgariad Volume Two, which contains the last two books. The title of each book combines a chess term with a fantasy term whereas the concept of a 'Game of Destiny' is a significant motif in the story. Volumes include Pawn of Prophecy (1982), Queen of Sorcery (1982), Magician's Gambit (1983), Castle of Wizardry (1984), and Enchanters' End Game (1984).
Main article: List of The Belgariad and The Malloreon characters Works in the series
She is generally acknowledged as a co-author of the earlier books as well. In later works he acknowledged his wife, Leigh Eddings, as an 'unindicted collaborator' eventually later books credited her as co-author. He has also said he was influenced by reading medieval epics and by Lester del Rey's editorial input. He mapped out an imaginary world to use in developing the story for the Belgariad. He had an epiphany, realizing the fantasy genre might be very lucrative and was currently 'underserved'. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings series had been reprinted. David Eddings, who had been writing adventure and thriller genres, has said he developed the idea for a fantasy series somewhat 'cynically' after noticing how many times J.